
September 2024

Vivtex CEO, Maureen Deehan, presents Vivtex's achievements in oral biologics delivery at the 2024 MIT Health Science Forum in Cambridge, MA, where experts gather to share insights on the adoption of cutting-edge tools to derisk and accelerate the drug development process.

September 2024

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, presents Vivtex's most recent research on oral macromolecule delivery systems at The 14th American Drug Delivery & Formulation in San Diego, CA.

September 2024

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, presents on delivery of peptide therapeutics orally using a high throughput formulation screening approach at the Boulder Peptide Symposium 2024 in Boulder, Colorado, the only conference focused solely on peptide therapeutics.

August 2024

Vivtex introduces new scientific advisors, Tomi Sawyer, Peptide Therapeutics Expert, and Ivor Elrifi, Intellectual Property and Transactions Advisor.

Read more about Tomi and Ivor.

June 2024

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, discuss formulation optimization through the applications of robotic screening at the Next Gen Peptide Formulation & Delivery Summit in Boston, MA.

May 2024

Vivtex’s Chief Executive Officer, Maureen Deehan, and Chief Scientific Officer, Thomas von Erlach, are featured in the summer issue of the European Biopharmaceutical Review (EBR) discussing the pros and challenges of creating oral biologics.

Read the article here or below:
European Biopharmaceutical Review, Summer 2024, pages 42-46. © Samedan Ltd

May 2024

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, presents an overview on oral macromolecular drug delivery at the 15th Global Drug Delivery & Formulation Summit in Berlin, Germany.

May 2024

Vivtex CEO, Maureen Deehan, receives the Elizabeth Elting Venture Fund Award 2024 at The Endless Frontier Labs annual showcase event. The award recognizes highly accomplished women CEO leading the most promising emerging life sciences companies.

Apr 2024

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, presents as featured speaker at the Peptide Based Therapeutics Summit based around the transformative potential of early phase technology in the development of next-generation peptide-based therapeutics.

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, presents at the Controlled Release Symposium entitled: Oral Delivery of Peptides, Oligonucleotides and Proteins to share Vivtex’s most recent progress in oral peptide and antisense oligonucleotide delivery.

Vivtex CSO, Thomas von Erlach, participates in a panel discussion at the 13th Annual PODD Conference in Boston, MA around oral biologics delivery and ingestible devices.

Vivtex CEO Maureen Deehan presents at the New York Venture Summit. An opportunity to showcase Vivtex and detail our journey so far.

Vivtex CSO Thomas von Erlach presents Vivtex’s most recent research findings on oral peptide delivery at the Drug Delivery & Formulation Summit in Berlin, Germany.